Registration for individual online qualifiers will open on Saturday, 16/11/2024, 12:00 o’clock (local Greek time). You can see all available categories here.
- All individual athletes must perform their online qualifiers at a location of their choice and submit their videos online. Athens Throwdown Judges Team will examine all videos!
- There will be two qualification workouts announced on 13/01/2025, 09:00 (Greek local time). All athletes must submit their scores by 28/01/2025, 23:59 (Greek local time).
- Athletes can complete and submit the workouts as many times as they wish until the deadline!
- Once the deadline for the workouts is over, an athlete will not be able to adjust, submit or re-submit any score for these workouts.
- The 608 best individual athletes will be invited to Athens, Greece, for the finals on on 04-05-06/04/2025.
The number of Individual athletes who qualify in Finals:
Elite Men: 80
Elite Women: 32
Rx Men: 48
Rx Women: 21
Scaled Men: 160
Scaled Women: 88
Masters Men 35+: 32
Masters Women 35+: 11
Masters Men 40+: 32
Masters Women 40+: 11
Masters Men 45+: 32
Masters Women 45+: 9
Masters Men 50+: 13
Masters Women 50+: 7
Masters Men 55+: 9
Masters Women 55+: 5
Teenage Boys 18-: 10
Teenage Girls 18-: 8
Qualifiers Score Submission
- How to submit your score: upload your videos to YouTube under Public privacy settings. Make sure there are no copyright issues with the sound. Then log in to Piece of Game and submit your score and video link.
- Athletes are responsible for making sure their scores are submitted by Tuesday, 28/01/2025, 23:59 (Greek local time). Late score submission is not allowed!
- You can confirm your score has been successfully submitted by seeing it appear on your Piece of Game dashboard. If you do not see your score on that page, it is not in the Piece of Game system, and you need to try again.
- Athens Throwdown individual finals will run on 04-05-06/04/2025. All athletes will compete on all three days of the finals.
- All individual athletes are required to check-in at the venue on Thursday, 03/04/2025, between 20:00-21:00 local Greek time.
- If any athletes miss the check-in, then they will have a last chance on Friday, 04/04/2025, between 07:00-07:30. If they don't show up in both check-ins, their spot will automatically be offered to Lucky Athletes!
- For your check-in, you must have your Passport or ID Card with you, and have signed your waiver online on Circle21.
- Athletes may authorize a third party to check them in. The athlete's representative must have the athlete's original ID/passport to complete the process.
- During the check-in, athletes will be given wristbands that they must wear throughout all three days! No one will be allowed to enter the venue and arena without them!
- Teenage Boys and Girls must have a written statement with them from their parents or coaches, allowing them to participate in finals!
- Before entering the arena for each workout, athletes will receive a separate briefing on the respective workout from the Athletes' Managers.
- A few days before the finals start, you'll find a detailed timetable, including the exact times for your workouts on Friday, 04/04/2025, on Circle21. At the end of each event day, the heats will be adjusted based on athletes' performances and subsequently published on Circle21. The event will conclude on Sunday, 06/04/2025, after 21:00 (local Greek time).
- Athens Throwdown 2025 Leaderboard will be live throughout the qualifiers and finals and updated as scores are submitted. Athletes will receive an overall ranking at the end of the qualifiers and finals.